5 Essential Design Elements to Add Before Send Logo To Client
by Designertale in Designers on November 12, 2019In this guide, you will know the essential elements to add before sending a logo to the client.
What are the elements?
And how to arrange it.
And how you will get fewer revisions almost no revisions if you follow the tips one by one.
Here are the necessary tips and elements you must follow & Add:
- Tips 1: Never send your logo singly then what to add
- Tips 2: The fabric mockup is gaining importance.
- Tips 3: Smartphone is one of the best promotional items everyone carries.
- Tips 4: Printable designs are also a bonus when sending a logo to the client
- Tips 5: The preview template is necessary to get the maximum approval rate
Also at the end, I have added some bonus tips for you to better showcase your logo to the client.
Also, you will get to the detailed arrangement process that you need to make your logo presentable.
#Tips 1: Never send your logo singly then what to add at least
When you design a logo you must not send it on singly.
Do you get me what I am telling you?
Ok, let’s imagine you have finished your latest logo project and you just put the logo on a white page and send it to your client and expect approval.
Logo design beginners do this mistake often.
Please, never do that.
As human being our natural instinct is, we become happier when we get some bonus.
The business card is one of the most necessary products that every company owner first expects to keep it with.
So why not send a business card design front and backside when you send your logo.
Here we have created a demo logo and let you share about the idea of a template you can create for your next logo project.
So here is the way you can arrange the business card with the logo showcase template you will send.
#The fabric mockup is gaining importance
In the latest business trends, everyone wants to brand of their company.
As a branding designer, you must be conscious of the needs and expectations of your clients’ business.
Then why not add some additional bonus with it.
So if you ask me is it necessary to add a t-shirt presentation when sending the logo to the client.
I will say yes.
If you can showcase your client how your logo will look on the t-shirt if the brand needs a t-shirt for their stuff.
Or for a branding purpose, any company prints t-shirts for promotional offers.
#Tips 3: Smartphone is one of the best promotional items everyone carries
In this age, the best part to showcase your logo design is the back cover of a smartphone.
You can create just use the theme color of the logo you have created or you can make pattern or texture-based of your client’s business.
Here is the way you can present your logo on the back of a smartphone and showcase it to the client.
If you maintain a theme color when creating your logo it can be much professional as well.
#Tips 4: Printable designs are also a bonus
After business card one of the essential print material any business needs is a letterhead.
So if you add a letterhead design with it can be another bonus to your client.
If you present your logo with a letterhead design then you are giving your client another cross-selling offer as well.
You may get a better chance of getting the offer to designs the letters and business cards as well.
Am I wrong?
#Tips 5: The preview template is necessary to get the maximum approval rate
You must present your logo as a complete template.
And with it?
Yes, all the essential elements I have mentioned above.
When you showcase your logo singly it is a higher chance you get rejected.
A presentation makes you professional and speaks professionalism behind your work.
Bonus Tips:
- You must present your logo on the top of the template keeping white background behind it.
- Use black and other colorful versions i.e. light grey, single color when you create the template.
- You must create one single template page to present the logo to the client.
- Not add too many additional mockups when creating a logo presentation template.
Here in this guide, we have used one of our time-saving logo presentations one-page PSD logo mockup template where you will find every mockup we have used to present the logo mockup.
You will need just 3 minutes to present your logo with this template.
It’s a complete one page PSD logo presentaion mockup template.
#So please comment below what else you think you can add when you next time sending your logo to the client.
#If we find your comments most brainstorming and ideal we will send you one of our premium mockup templates for free to download.
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