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Here in designertale you will be provided a dropbox folder assigned for your to upload your zip product file. There you must care before uploading your product zip file.

The product zip file folder name must be in small caps and you must use “-” instead of space followed by any serial number. 

Say you have created a product and you have named it like ‘Lato New’ but before uploading your product you must zip it and rename the file name to “lato-new-1”

After you upload your file to the dropbox you need to create the url which you have to put just beside the pricing of your product. Please check the screenshot of the Add product page where you have to write the url.

Designertale product upload guide image 1

There are some common part to create the url :

Say I have one product which zip file name is “lato-new-1.zip” and when uploading the product I have put my first name and last in small caps on the dropbox product zip upload page just like the previous guide above i.e. eko bimantara then my url of the product will be

 edd-dbfs://cont/ekob/eko bimantara – your-file-name-1.zip

Where edd-dbfs://cont/   is a common part

ekob is the folder name you have been assigned to upload your file.

 Like if you have uploaded a file which name is “lato-new-1.zip”

The uploaded file url will be just like below

edd-dbfs://cont/ekob/eko bimantara – lato-new-1.zip

Another Example:

If you have uploaded a file which name is “retro-cool-font-9.zip” and your username is ekob , your firstname and lastname is eko bimantara which you are using to upload the zip file in dropbox.

Then the url you will paste there which name will be : edd-dbfs://cont/ekob/eko bimantara – retro-cool-font-9.zipguide 2 2

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