Top View Paper Poster Set Mockup

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editable smart objects of the top view paper poster set mockupfiles included in the top view paper poster set mockupzoomed in image of the top view paper poster set mockuptexture application of the top view paper poster set mockupbase images of the top view paper poster set mockup

Top View Paper Poster Set Mockup

Top view paper poster set mockups are an easy way to display your creative poster designs in a professional and modern way. The editable PSD file lets you showcase your poster designs through the smart-object layer.

Using the top-view paper poster set mockups is easy.

  • Download the PSD file and open it in Photoshop.
  • Edit the smart-object layer to insert your design.
  • Save and close the file, and you’re done!

There are many benefits of using paper poster set mockups to showcase your designs. Paper poster set mockups can help you create a professional and modern presentation of your designs. Additionally, paper poster set mockups are easy to use and edit. With paper poster set mockups, you can change the background color, add or remove objects, and resize the paper poster set mockup to fit your needs. Paper poster set mockups are a great way to showcase your designs to potential clients or employers. Paper poster mockups can help you make a great first impression and stand out from the competition.

You can do a few things to get the most out of paper poster set mockups.

  • First, make sure to download a high-quality paper poster set mockup.
  • Second, take the time to customize the paper poster set mockup to fit your specific needs.
  • Third, use paper poster set mockups to showcase your designs in a professional and modern way.

In conclusion, paper poster set mockups are a great way to showcase your designs. Paper poster set mockups can help you create a professional and modern presentation of your designs. Additionally, paper poster set mockups are easy to use and edit. With paper poster set mockups, you can change the background color, add or remove objects, and resize the paper poster set mockup to fit your needs. Paper poster set mockups are a great way to showcase your designs to potential clients or employers. Paper poster mockups can help you make a great first impression and stand out from the competition.

Thanks for reading! We hope this blog post has been helpful. If you want to learn more about paper poster set mockups, visit our website. Paper poster set mockups are a great way to showcase your designs in a professional and modern way, and we can help you get started. Contact us today to learn more about our paper poster set mockups and how we can help you showcase your designs in the best way possible. Thanks for reading!


  • Artboard resolution: 6000 x 4000 pixels.
  • Editability: Color & design changeable.
  • Image quality: 300dpi.
  • Layers: Organized, Smart object.
  • No. Of PSD files: 3

Note: The patterns used in the presentation are not included in the main file. We are very thankful to Freepik for providing us these amazing patterns.  To download the patterns used in this mockup please check Freepik.

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  • Last Updated

    July 21, 2022

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  • Released

    July 22, 2022

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